I’ve read a lot of
posts lately with both personal and blogging resolutions. It was something I
was already thinking of, as Skamp’s Kitchen edges ever closer to it’s first
birthday on top of the usual New Year resolutions. When I first started this
blog, it was largely to get me into the habit of writing down dishes I invent.
To help me remember the things I want to make again. And as such, the content being
interesting to others whilst important, wasn’t my largest priority. It’s kind
of evolved a little since then. The main reason behind blogging is still there,
but I am excited to be more part of the food-blogging community than before.
I’ve met some amazing food bloggers, I’ve started reading more and more blogs
and it’s made me want to make my own little blog better.
1. Better photography more often. I'm going to continue forcing myself to get my camera out for dishes I intend to post. No more phone-cam allowed!
2. Create a recipe index, and generally play around with the layout and look of the blog.
3. Become more active in social media - facebook, instagram and pinterest
4. Engage more in the blogs that I do read and love - to let them know how much I appreciate them!
I’m toying with some
new post types as well. Perhaps some restaurant reviews – the quality of
restaurants about in Perth at the moment is phenomenal and I am loving
exploring more of them. Maybe some more party inspiration (the 30 Sucks birthday
post was one of my most popular last year!)?
I’d love some feedback on what you’d like to
see more (or less) of on Skamp’s Kitchen. What you think I’m doing well, or
poorly on. More dinner, less desserts? More entertaining ideas? Less talk of
The Nanna Shop? More cocktails?
Comment below or send
me an email, and don’t forget to follow me on Facebook and Instagram!
Thanks for reading!